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I am a Master of Engineering in Computer Science student at Cornell University. Previously I was a machine learning research intern at Huawei Technologies, and an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto.
Through internships at research labs I’ve gained exposure to SOTA technologies in domains such as Autonomous Robotics and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Previously I performed research at Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab Autonomous Driving Division. I initially investigated methods for realistic behavioral modelling for simulations using imitation and reinforcement learning. These simulations are used to test the safety of AV planning algorithms. Later I researched trajectory prediction algorithms, which are used to predict how the scene will evolve while the vehicle is driving. Previously at the Data Driven Decision Making Lab and University of Toronto Transportation Research, I became familiar with cutting-edge techniques in traffic signal control and reinforcement learning. I have a strong mathematical foundation, having taken courses with high honors in topics such as probabilistic reasoning and statistics.
I’ve also enjoyed great extra-curricular experiences. In 2021 I rigorously trained in competitive programming. Later that year I qualified to join the University of Toronto’s International Collegiate Programming Contest Team, with 2 teammates and myself finishing 15th/83 at the 2022 East Central North America ICPC Regionals. I’ve also pursued a long-standing endeavor in quantitative finance, actively reading and investing since I was a teenager.
I have a broad set of interests and am open to new areas. These include the modelling, prediction, and planning of spatial-temporal systems. These are used in the growing fields of Robotics, Autonomous Driving, and Intelligent Transportation. I am also keen on quantitative finance, and the general application of mathematical models and machine learning.